Thursday, July 30, 2009

Common Cold – Cure, Remedy and Treatment

Common Cold – Cure, Remedy and Treatment

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Funny facts about elephants

  • Elephants are capable of pulling up to 11.5 liters (3 gallons) of water into the trunk to be sprayed into the mouth for drinking or onto the back for bathing. They also use two fingerlike projections that are at the tip to manipulate small objects and to pluck grasses.
  • The herd is typically composed of up to ten females and their young. All of the females in the herd are directly related to the matriarch, who is typically the oldest and largest female. Males beyond the age of maturity are with the herd only during mating. A herd is a group that may have ten or more elephants. It is usually led by a female elephant. Herds have been known to travel ten miles or even farther to look for food and water. When elephants travel, they walk very quietly in single file. Young elephants are led by the older elephants with their tails. They stay close to their mothers at all times. The entire herd will protect the young ones if there's any sign of danger.
  • Elephants stomp when they walk.
  • Elephants sleep standing up.
  • Sometimes baby elephants lie down to sleep.
  • Elephants bathe. Sometimes the spray dirt on themselves to get the parasites off. Sometimes they bathe in mud.
  • They cool off by fanning their ears. This cools the blood in their ears. That blood goes to the rest of their body and cools off the elephant.
  • They poop 80 pounds in one day.
  • Elephants weigh 10,000 pounds. It would take 250 students to add up to 10,000 pounds.
  • Only grown up ladies and their babies live in the herds
  • They collect food with their trunks.
  • The daddy elephants leave the herd when they are 12 years old.
  • During the wet season they eat things low to the ground.
  • During the dry season they use their trunk to gather food from trees and bushes.
  • They suck up water into their trunks and shoot it into their mouths.
  • Elephants need lots of room to roam and eat.
  • They can run 24mph for short distances.

Few of my friends said me how to survive when a tusker attacks you. You have to run downwards as elephants are easy climbers but clumsy in coming down. WHile running just take of your shirt or any clothing and throw it to the ground. Most of the time elephant attacks it. Thank God, I never have to try it.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Neem (Margosa) and its utility

Neem (Margosa) has its mention in Indian mythology too. According to mythology when gods and demons churned out the sea, nectar was created. But at that time some drops of nectar fell on earth and out of that neem tree took birth. Not only that, the idols for three deities of Orissa Lord Jagganath, Lard Balabhadra and Devi Suvadra is also carved out of neem wood. Neem is widely used in Indian for various medicinal and other domestic purposes. Neem tree can be upto 20 meter high and usually has diameter of 2-2.5 meter. Almost all parts of neem tree are useful. We have mentioned few uses of neem tree below:
  • Neem extracts have strong anti viral/ bacterial property. Its bark is used for various skin diseases.
  • Neem leaves are used as insecticide. Woolen cloths, books, rice etc. can be kept safely with a few neem leaves to prevent insects or pests attacking them.
  • Neem fruit is used for various urinal diseases and piles. Neem oil is used for protection of teeth, gum, ears etcPost Options. Also for various skin diseases neem oil is used.
  • Aurvedic vaidyas prescribe to eat neem leaves for 24 days in empty stomach. According to them it cures diabetics and hyper tension. Also it cures skin diseases.
  • Neem leaves are scattered on the bed of patients suffering from measles, chicken-pox. It reduces the chance of disease spreading to others.
  • Also neem along with a mixture of coconut and cetrinela is used as mosquito repellent.
  • Now neem is widely used in agriculture too. A mixture of neem and urea (1:5) is used to safeguard the crops against pests. Neem oil mixed with water is sprinkled to prevent insects/ pests.
  • Neem oil is used to make soaps. Application of neem and turmeric mixture before bath is supposed to be very good for babies and adults too.
  • Some of us even use neem flowers as foods.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Earthwormz created for all the people who beleive in making earth a better place

Dear all,
Earthwormz is created to think, discuss about the current chaos that we call development. Is rapid industrialisation is the only way of development? For development, can we simply ignore the existence of some people?

I believe that there is enough science and technology yet unexplored which exists in rural India or any where. When a village quacks cures somebody, we simply laugh it away as a chance factor. If a villager can predict this year there would be good rain, we snob it. But earthwormz encourages such stories, such indigeneous technology.

Not only that, there are several beautiful places which is still unknown to most of the people. We would try to cover these places too.
Please contribute to this blog. Together we can make another world possible.